Let’s face it. You’re probably getting a ton of emails every day. Many business professionals receive over 100 emails daily.

This makes a cold email sales template essential to stand out. But, how do you get noticed in the crowd? Many find creating a good cold email sales template to be a lot of work.

The Struggle is Real with B2B Cold Email Outreach

Making good cold emails is more than just saying hello and giving a sales pitch. Most millennials don’t like irrelevant messages. Research shows that up to 70% of millennials get annoyed with emails that miss the point.

There’s good news. Buyers often look for info from sellers early in their buying process. Reports show that 71% of buyers want to talk to sales reps early on.

The Art of Personalization in Cold Emails

A general, one-size-fits-all email often doesn’t work in 2024. Research has shown a 10% increase in open rates with personalized messages.

For example, look at Jake Jorgovan’s case study. Jorgovan’s personalized approach helped him land a $4,250 contract. Focusing on Account-Based Marketing is said to give a much higher return, as noted by 76% of B2B marketers.

Cold Email Best Practices Outcomes
Take the time to research recipients before reaching out. You are more likely to stand out compared to generic messaging.
Compose short messages using very simple, digestible paragraphs. The information becomes less intimidating and easier to read.
Follow up a maximum of three times. Your cold email does not come across as spam to filters.
Target a single ideal client to allow yourself to do further research. Your targeted client will recognize your level of detail put forth in your cold email campaign.

Breaking Down Successful Cold Email Sales Template Frameworks

The best way is often by using a proven framework. Here are a few good ones for cold outreach:

  • AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action): This is about moving from awareness to action. First, see if your ideal customer profile wants what you offer, and go from there. Look at these examples of cold email frameworks.
  • PAS (Problem, Agitate, Solve): Find, stir up, then solve a problem. Your prospect needs a fix for a problem they can’t afford to struggle with anymore. You can find cold email frameworks that show how to best address pain points, and show how your product is better than others.
  • BAB (Before, After, Bridge): Quickly show a cold prospect their potential by using your services.

Any method used helps with productive talks and possible teamwork. In the end, all have a shared goal of success.

These formulas don’t need to be complicated. Consider cold email itself, using the framework method:


What could make the biggest first impression on your audience that still relates to their wants?


How can you keep them focused to show you have real, useful info for them?


How would you help them see that you’re solving the right problems for them?


What is their next step to contact you for further steps?

Optimizing Cold Email Sales Templates with Multi-Channel Sales

There are benefits for sales team to use multiple channels. Using a mix of cold emailing and social media for B2B prospecting efforts is important. Lead generation should never be limited to just cold email, especially if you have a whole sales team at your disposal.

Expanding beyond one method helps. Data shows that using different outreach methods gives a 37 percent increase in response rates compared to single-channel programs. Use this to perform a strong email campaign.

Following up and Not Giving Up with your Cold Email

Many sales reps stop after the first contact. Sources show that 44% of sales reps give up without any follow-up email attempts.

But many potential buyers need time and consistent care to really look at opportunities. Woodpecker found that two to three follow-ups is good for a strong cold email plan. This info came from 20 million email samples. Be sure to include strong subject lines in your follow-up email so your cold email templates can see more opens.

Comply with Legal Frameworks

Sending many, untargeted emails might seem fast at first, but be careful. You need to think about compliance with digital messages. Make sure to never look like spam.

For example, European laws like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) have rules about getting, handling, and keeping contact records correctly. Breaking these rules can be easily seen. Follow privacy rules like PECR when sending electronic messages. Doing this kind of cold outreach, is key for proper lead generation that doesn’t hurt your company in the long run.

FAQs about cold email sales template

What is the 30/30/50 rule for cold emails?

There’s no set rule. But one idea some use is; 30 characters or less for the cold email subject line, 30 words for the body, and text only (no logos) to try and keep emails under 50 kb. We should look into doing an a/b test with various methods to see which works best.

Do cold emails work for sales?

They can if done right. Research shows about an 8.5 percent response rate on average. Many sales people wonder if we should just focus on cold calling instead, but we have found much better results with cold email outreach.

What is an example of a cold sales email?

Start by saying hello and addressing the prospect directly. Then, introduce your company and say how you got their info. Next, briefly explain what you know about the prospect company. Always use social proof in your outreach whenever possible.

Is cold emailing illegal?

Cold email is legal if done carefully and ethically. Just avoid any data conflicts with rules or local data policies, as these can vary in different areas. Using an email generator may come across as spam, so try to craft emails by hand when you can.


No single cold email sales template guarantees replies with today’s communication overload. Buyers want messages that are relevant and worth their time. The best sales tools and prospect info are useless without this, so use an email template that stands out.

The most effective sales email template options use social proof by mentioning how we’ve helped other relevant customers. It’s helpful to include a one-sentence pitch within your email signature. Showing how competitors benefited is another way to get your foot in the door.

Sales is always changing, adapting, and learning to get better engagement and client happiness. Using cold email templates for an email campaign is no different. We hope this blog post provided value on your journey through the sales funnel.